What Fire Safety Consultancy do we provide?
- Fire training
- Fire drill instruction
- Fire stopping surveys
- Simple Fire Strategies
- Fire risk assessments
- Fire Safety Management
- Assistance with building projects
- On-going fire safety advice and guidance
- Emergency Fire Evacuation Plans (EFEP)
- NHS Authorised Engineer (Fire) 2017-2019 (we no longer offer this service)
Example Projects
Hospitals and other healthcare premises – As the appointed Authorised Engineer (Fire) we acted as an independent professional adviser, making recommendations for the appointment of Authorised Persons (Fire), Monitored the performance of fire safety management, provided an annual audit to the Board Level Director (with fire safety responsibility) and provided ad hoc professional advice to healthcare fire management teams in complex environments.
We regularly assist NHS capital projects teams seek fire compliance in complex new-build and refurbishment projects for acute, community and mental health buildings. Since 2011 we have provided regular staff fire training and fire drills to NHS providers.
Building construction sites – When building contractors in Ashford, Kent disturbed asbestos in a fire escape corridor the HSE placed a prohibition notice on the whole site. We offered solutions to maintain effective fire escape routes from all ten floors and the prohibition notice was lifted on the proviso we provided fire risk assessments, team leader warden fire training, toolbox talks and fire drills. Later in the £19.5M refurbishment project we provided fire compartmentation and fire-stopping surveys resulting in a notable reference from Ashford Building Control.
Produced fire strategies for new residential blocks of flats in Southend.
Assisted building owners in redeveloping premises seeking local building control approval in London and Essex.
Working with an independent film crew we produced a short “Fire Be Aware” video. This was used to support face-to-face refresher fire training provided by the the hospital Fire Safety Advisor.

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